Review procedure for of scientific articles submitted to the scientific journal «Science and Security» for publication:
Scientific articles submitted for publication in the journal undergo a preliminary examination (diagnosis is carried out by members of the editorial board — specialists in the relevant field) and then are accepted for publication within the framework of the current procedure. Requirements for the preparation of the final form of the text of the article are published in each issue of the journal.
When accepting the manuscript form of the article, the users of the journal inform the author about the content and compliance with the basic requirements, and those deficiencies that are present in the article must be eliminated before the examination by the author.
Then the scientific article is examined within the current requirements by members of the editorial board or specialists in the relevant field (candidates and doctors of science).
The critical features of the article should be justified in the review. In particular, scientific innovation, the importance of studying the issue, it’s actuality, factual and historical value of the article, the correctness of quotations, the style of the text, using of modern sources, and the shortcomings of the article. At the end of the review, a general assessment is given to the article, and the editorial board is presented with the following conclusions: recommend for publication; recommend for publication after correction of defects; to be additionally sent to another specialist of the relevant issue for review; not recommended for printing. The length of the review should not be less than one page.
Scientific articles accepted for publication, but in need of changes, are sent to the authors, indicating the recommendations of the reviewer and the editor. The authors should correct the existing shortcomings and submit the final form of the printed and electronic text of the article to the journal with its previous signature. After correcting the existing shortcomings, the scientific article is repeatedly submitted for review, and then the editorial board gives permission for its publication.
An article that has been given a positive review and its publication has been supported by the editorial board is considered accepted for publication.
The review process of manuscript articles is not transparent. Dissemination of information about the process of review of a manuscript article leads to violation of copyright. Authors do not have the right to copy the text of the article and use it for their own needs.
Reviewers, as well as members of the editorial board, cannot use the information contained in the text of the manuscript for their own benefit until the publication of the article. Reviews in the journal are kept for 5 years. Upon request, the journal will send a copy of the reviews to the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.