About the journal

Scientific journal «Science and Security» (series of philosophical, political and juridical sciences) was founded in 2018 year.

The scientific journal «Science and security» is a scientific publication, in which analyzes, discusses and evaluates the important issues of modernity from the point of view of science in the context of ensuring national security,     the scientific and research results of scientific theses for obtaining the scientific degrees of candidate of science, doctor of science and doctor of specialization (PhD) are published. Also, in this journal, scientific articles of teachers and professors, post-graduate students, degree-seekers and doctoral students of the Higher School of the State Committee for National Security of the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as scientific and research centers, institutions of higher professional education of the republic are published.

The main content of the journal consist of scientific articles. This journal publishes 4 issues (quarterly) and at least 8 issues every two years. The main sections of the journal, content and maintenance of the articles correspond to the Nomenclature of scientific specialties on the basis of which scientific degrees are obtained.

All scientific articles, which are submitted for publication in agreement with the sections of the journal, are submitted for review. All the reviewers are experts in their section of the journal and have published various articles. All authors will be sent a copy of the unpublished article indicating the reasons.

The archive of journal and the necessary information are available on the official website of the magazine (https://ilm-va-amniyat.tj).

The editorial board of the journal consists of 5 doctors of science and 4 candidates of science; they are scientific, scientific and pedagogical workers

All editorial board members are the experienced specialists.

All published scientific articles have a bibliography, which is compiled according to the rules provided by the journal. All published scientific articles have their annotation and keywords, which were prepared in Russian, English and Tajik languages.