Requirements for scientific articles submitted for publication in the scientific journal «Science and Security».

All scientific articles submitted for publication in the journal must correspond with the following requirements: 1) the scientific article must be prepared taking into account the requirements established by the journal; 2) the article should be the result of scientific research; 3) the topic of the article should correspond to one of the scientific directions of the journal.

All scientific materials submitted to the journal are checked with the help of the Antiplagiat system to determine the level of originality of the text. Articles, in the text of which materials of other authors are used without citation, will not be submitted to the consideration of the next stages, and such articles will not be allowed to be published.

Requirements for the preparation of scientific articles:

The text of the article should be prepared in Microsoft Word format, in Times New Roman print for Russian and English texts, and in Times New Roman Tj print for Tajik text, the size of the letters in the text should be 14, the margins should be 2.5 cm, and the space between the lines should be 1. 5 mm. The volume of the article should include 10 to 12 pages in A4 format, including the list of used literature and annotations.

The article should have the following structure:

• UDC index (this index can be obtained from any scientific library);
• name of the article;
• surname and, in the form of abbreviation, first and last name (example: Rustamzoda S.A.);
• the name of the institution where the author of the article works;
• the main text of the article;

• when quoting, the using literature (by the order of the government of the Republic of Tajikistanfrom 30 June 2021 year, № 268) «The spelling rule  and Signs of punctuation in Tajik language) and its specific page should be indicated in square brackets [ ]. Example: [6, p. 42]. That is, literature № 6 and page 42;

• plans, schemes, diagrams and drawings must be numbered. They must also have an explanatory name;

• list of used literature (not less than 10 lists and not more than 25 lists of scientific literature). The list of used literature should be prepared based on the requirements of GOST 7.1-2003 and GOST 7.0.5-2008;

• the title of the article, annotation and keywords should be written in three languages (Tajik, Russian and English). Annotation should be prepared in the amount of at least 25 lines and keywords from 7 to 10 names; • at the end of the article, information about the author or authors should be shown in two languages (Russian and English) in the following order: surname, first name and patronymic (full), academic degree and title (if any), name of the institution where the author works, position, phone number, e-mail, address of the author’s place of work.